Meet the M&L Paranormal Team

Our team was asked some questions about investigating and this is their awesome answers!!

Our Fearless Leader-Lydia Tucson-Lyman

Interview Questions

  1. You are so spunky and fun, Tell us about yourself.
My name is Lydia Lyman, I am the Owner/Founder of M&L Paranormal.
  1. How long have you been ghost hunting? How did you get into it?
I have been doing this since I was 16 or so (actively with my team since 2012). I always had abilities growing up, they scared me so I learned to block them out at an early age. I was still interested in it though. I used to go out with my friends and siblings with my analog recorder (yes, I am that old). I started watching Ghost Hunters and went on my first official investigation in 2012. I was hooked, I wanted to learn more about the spirit world. I met some friends who were interested in this as well and that is how my team was formed.
  1. What do you love most about it?
I love being able to help people and educate people on the spirit world. Nobody should ever have to live in fear of the spirit world.
  1. What do you least like about it? There is not anything that I do not like about it.   
  2. Tell us about one of your favorite places you have investigated. The Great Saltair is one of my favorites. We always have great activity when we investigate that location.
  3. Tell us about one of your scariest experiences. when I was 16 I had a pretty terrifying experience in a cemetery with something that was conjured up by kids doing stuff they shouldn’t have been. That is kind of led me on the path I am on.
  4. If you could pick anywhere in the world, where would you like to investigate?  Leap Castle, Ireland.
  5. Have you ever seen a full apparition? If so where? Yes I have seen a few in my time at various locations.
  6. How did you get started with M&L paranormal? I founded the team in 2012 along with a friend. I had gone on a few public investigations and fell in love with it.
Is there anything else you would like us to know or think we should know about Ghost investigation?    

Lead Investigator- Kris Langman

Interview Questions
1.     You are so spunky and fun, Tell us about yourself.   
I grew up in Chicago, moved to SLC, Utah in 1983.  I love the outdoors. I love camping, fishing, being by the water and beaches.  I love the sun, traveling, playing softball and anything paranormal.
2.     How long have you been ghost hunting? How did you get into it? 
I have been a member of the paranormal family for approximately 8 years.  I watched, and still do, the Ghost Hunters shows, and Ghost Adventures.  I thought to myself, why couldn't I do this? They aren't using anything I couldn't purchase, and there isn't any type of certifications that are needed.  I could do this sort of thing, I just needed to figure out how.  I posted on face book that I really wanted to go on a ghost hunt.  It just so happened that a friend of mine commented on my post that he was thinking about starting a paranormal team, and if I would be interested in being a team member.  Of course my answer was Yes!!  That is how I got my start working with the paranormal.
3.     What do you love most about it? 
I enjoying helping people understand what paranormal is verses what is not.  I want to debunk what claims are being made that unexplained.  Gathering evidence always amazes me.  I've gotten a lot of EVP's that cannot be explained, as well as some really interesting flashlight sessions and pictures.  I've had hundreds of personal experiences as well.
4.     What do you least like about it? 
 I'm not really fond of those that claim that just because they don't know what something is, or can't explain what's going on, they are quick to claim it as paranormal.  I've been on investigations where people have claimed that there is something paranormal going on in their home, and we've been able to debunk and recreate the noises, and sounds, and sometimes the feelings in which they were having, which turn out to be not paranormal after all.
5.     Tell us about one of your favorite places you have investigated.  
I just recently investigated Waverly Hills Sanitorium in Louisville, Kentucky.  I was able to spend 8 hours in the building with only 4 others.  I witnessed and got great evidence on all sorts of things at this location.  I saw shadows, heard footsteps behind me, voices, footsteps on the floor above me, heard humming, watched a door close on the person who was conducting our walk through.  All 5 of us witnessed the rem pod fully lit up for at least 20 minutes!  That place was on my bucket list to investigate and it exceeded my expectations.
6.     Tell us about one of your scariest experiences.  
That's a tough question.  I don't believe I've had any really scary experiences.  I've never been so scared that I've actually ran away screaming.  I've never run away.  I'm usually going towards whatever startles me. 
7.     If you could pick anywhere in the world, where would you like to investigate?  
There's another tough question.  I would like to go to the Catacombs in France.  And Eastern State Penitentiary, and of course Salem, Massachusetts.
8.     Have you ever seen a full apparition? If so where?  
No.  I've only seen shadow figures.
9.     How did you get started with M&L paranormal?  
I was a member of another team, which slowly started to fade out.  We weren't doing many investigations and I really was missing that.  I reached out to a friend in the paranormal family and asked her who I could contact to get involved with investigating again.  She told me they were actually doing one and gave me the address.  I went there, met up with her and some others and introduced myself to everyone.  When Lydia and I were introduced, that's when she said she new who I was and was actually on an investigation that my former team was leading.  She'd been looking for me for a while, as she was interested in possibly adding me to her team.  And that's how I became part of this amazing team.  Lydia has taught me a lot more about the paranormal, which I feel is an important part to know, when trying to help others with strange and unexplained activities in their own homes or businesses.
10.  Is there anything else you would like us to know or think we should know about Ghost investigation? 
1-Not everything that happens is paranormal.  I've been to many places where there have been claims that things are going on, and we've been able to debunk them as not being paranormal, but simple things like the air pressure changing in a room, or vibrations in the environment due to the a/c or furnace kicking on.  Traffic outside or people walking by, causing shadows on the interior walls, making it look like something that it isn't. 
 2-Be respectful.  How would you feel if a group of strangers came into your home, and started demanding things from you?  I know I would be a little more receptive with the common P's and Q's.  We always ask questions with “please” and if our questions or requests are answered, say “thank you”.  We try to get names and dates if possible, so we can research later, and compare what information we received and if it is valid with the dates and names.  3- Always pay attention to how you are feeling when you go on investigations.  Is the hair on the back of your neck or arms standing up?  Do you feel nauseated or dizzy?  Do you feel like crying?  What are you able to smell?  4- There will be times that there won't be any activity.  We can't make the spirits do things.  That's how it goes.  We've spent many hours upon hours doing investigations and nothing happens.  Just have fun.  Try different pieces of equipment.  In the end, just being there for the experience is worth sitting in the dark!
John Dyches- Lead Investigator

Sherry Mount-Lead Investigator

Chelle Dimmick- Lead Investigator

Sherrie Bolton- Investigator
  1. You are so spunky and fun, tell us about yourself.   

I describe myself as a rather sarcastic, cynical, and fallible human with idealistic tendencies.  I am a naturally curious person, thus my interest in the paranormal.  

  1. How long have you been ghost hunting?
I have been actively in a paranormal group in Georgia and Utah.  Between the two groups, I have participated in investigations for approximately seven years.
  1. How did you get into it?

I went on a public investigation, loved the people, and that was all she wrote, I was hooked.
    4    What do you love most about it?
I love the mystery, the possibilities, the science, and the fellowship of those involved in the paranormal.
    4.     What do you least like about it?
        Being patient.
    5.     Tell us about one of your favorite places you have investigated.
        Andersonville was awesome.  Heard cannons, voices, and a full body apparition of a soldier.
    6.     Tell us about one of your scariest experiences.
Did an investigation on a bridge where paranormal activity had been documented numerous times.  I had an experience of something/someone whispering in my ear telling me “leave bitch”.  I also had a physical reaction which caused my blood sugar to become dangerously low.
    7.     If you could pick anywhere in the world, where would you like to investigate?
        Stanley Hotel, Estes Park, Colorado
    8.     Have you ever seen a full apparition?  If so where?
        Yes, I have.  I saw a soldier at Andersonville, and a young women on stairs in a castle in England.
    9.     How did you get started with M&L paranormal?
I was fortunate enough to experience a public investigation, learned about the group, and ultimately joined.
    10. Is there anything else you would like us to know or think we should know about ghost investigations?
        To be inquisitive, yet skeptical.  Always look for possible alternatives to what is happening to eliminate them, so you know you are looking for the real deal.  Work well as a team, follow the rules, be respectful, and enjoy!

London Golden- Invesetigator

You are so spunky and fun, Tell us about yourself. 
    I'm Londen, the team “pet” Just kidding I'm the team psychic, born and raised in
Philadelphia PA, moved to Utah about 7 years ago,  I love anything sparkly, I consider myself eclectic spiritually (I've no idea why people always want to know what the
psychic “believes in”) My favorite color is of course purple, just about anyone would
figure that out after looking at me for a few minutes, I've been a psychic my whole life, but have within the past 3 years been an “active” physcic, I love history and old
fashioned things, I LOVE crafts and good music and all the foods I can get my hands on, as much of a scaredy cat that I am,  (I went from gangs to ghost's ya'll BIG adjustment) I love adventures and learning new things.
How long have you been ghost hunting?  How did you get started with M&L paranormal?
    I've been investigating for 2 years now (I believe) I sort of stumbled onto the team at the EXACT same moment that my gifts came a knockin on all the doors in my life. I was with a friend, visiting her mother in a cemetery out here, and all of a sudden I knew
things, the way her mother laughed, the color of her hair, what her grandparents living room looked like. I remember the cemetery being extremely cold, my friend had just
gotten off of work and was still in her uniform and her winter work coat. I was trying to
be cute and was wearing nothing warm at all.  When I walked up to her mothers plot, it was warm, like I'd just walked into a cozy heated room. I remember her mother smiling at me. She was very welcoming and kind. I had just meant my friend that year, and her
mother had passed away 2 years prior, in a state that I had just moved to, buried in a cemetery I had never been to in my life. After that experience and the non stop
occurrences after that I decided that that was it. I had lost my mind. I'm crazy. My friend was awesome when I finally discussed what was happening, she invited me out to an investigation. I remember sitting in the car, shaking, talking myself into going to see
someone because there is NO WAY I was sane. As soon as I walked into the location and met Lydia for the first time, she took one look at me and “Yep, you've got gifts”  She said.
What do you love most about it?  
    I love that I get to experience new things and interact with new people, Alive and passed on, I get to step into a place or era that we've stopped living in and get the full experience. I get to tell peoples story, and help them to be heard, I get to help people connect with people and things that the world has seemingly moved on from. I get to piece together mysteries and solve puzzles. I get to put all of my knowledge, that I've
never understood until now why I know the things I know or have taken to learning the things I've learned and apply that to the investigations. There's always something new!
There's always something oddly familiar, and there is always, always something to learn.
What do you least like about it?
Often it is hard for me to be between 2 worlds and not being able to fully convey the things I see and experience to everyone involved. I feel like a referee without a guide book. I suppose my pet peeves are... Spirits who like to play tricks
they answer every question or sometimes don't answer any questions, they'll do all sorts of non sense to get a rise out of people, they'll mess with evidence all the things.
Spirit Hecklers!
People who provoke spirits! They WERE alive at one point folks don't be rude!
People who attempt to offer up EVERYONE'S energy (no thanks! There's PLENTY of batteries,equipment,stones and even pipe lines for spirits to use they do not need mine thanks)
Spirits that pick on the living.
They make you feel ill, they “press” on you or toy with your emotions. Again. Rude!
      Tell us about one of your favorite places you have investigated. 
I love all the sites I've been to! I don't believe that I have a favorite as of yet.
Tell us about one of your scariest experiences. 
I was doing a Residential and myself and 4 other people were in the basement of the home, I'm sitting right under Lydia, My shoulders were touching her hip. Another team member was sitting on the floor right behind me (we were all leaning against an
ottoman) the 2 other team members where squished on the steps withing elbow
brushing distance of us. She'd been having issues with her allergies flaring up, sniffling , clearing her throat and the like, so I'd been used to those noises through out the evening. Well I we turned on the recorder and right in my ear I hear a sniffle and
someone clear their throat. No one said anything so I tapped Lydia and I'm like “dude
did you just sniffle” and she's like “nooo..” now look if we whisper or make a noise and don't fess up while we're recording, It gets real. So I insist that she did and AGAIN she says she didn't and the other team member was like no really I just heard you. Lydia hadn't made a peep and it was right in my ear and sounded exactly like her.. still to this day so freaked out that someone or something can mimic someone like that.. gives me the chills.
If you could pick anywhere in the world, where would you like to investigate?
The Lizzy Borden house! I JUST want to know if she did it and why! Any hoodoo or
Voodoo house, The Rose Hall Plantation house (even though I'm terrified of the movie re-make but's in JAMAICA y'all!) there's ALL SORTS of stories to be heard and mysteries to be figured out. A saloon in Dodge city, Any of the pyramids, The Parthenon I could go on
Have you ever seen a full apparition? If so where? 
In my opinion I “see” them all the time, but I have yet to see someone standing in front of me fully “formed” and let me tell ya I would Pee ma pants!
Is there anything else you would like us to know or think we should know about Ghost investigation?  
Never underestimate yourself. Never think that you're crazy, there is an explanation for everything, weather it's an old knocking water heater or a spirit knocking on your door. 

Ryan Butterfield- Content Creator and Social Media

1.You are so spunky and fun, Tell us about yourself.
I am originally from Utah, born and raised in West Valley City. Throughout my growing up, I found that I felt 'different' than most others that I associated. For many years I had decided that I would attempt to fit in among those around me without success. In 2010, I moved to Las Vegas, NV for work. During my first few weeks there, I was asked to lunch by a co-worker. At lunch they openly spoke about their psychic and how great she was. I felt like this was an oppotunity more than an experience and I asked if I could meet her. They were in fact having a 'card party' that weekend and invited me.
It was my first ever card reading. I didn't know what to expect, but what I did experience blew me away. I was given information that my reader coud not have known even if she called every relative, creeped my facebook daily, or was the best private investigator I had ever met.
She said, "You know you are supposed to be doing this, right?"
And she became my teacher, mentor, and friend.
The rest is history.
2.How long have you been ghost hunting? How did you get into it?
Ghost Hunting: I have been reading people through cards and other means since 2012. I have had various experiences with Spirit along the way. In 2016 I met up with M&L Paranormal as part of the Utah Halloween Expo and Show. I went to their investigation of the Benson Grist Mill & The Great Salt Air in 2016 and have been tagging along as I can ever since. The investigations are fascinating, and I also like to check and validate some of my intuitive skills at each investigation, without contaminating the actual investigating that is taking place.
3.What do you love most about it?
What I love most about Paranormal Investigations is the team and those that come out to participate in the events. Meeting new living people, while investigating the dead definitely is more interesting in going out to a club, or hanging out at a local bar to meet new people.
4.What do you least like about it?
What I like least about Paranormal Investigating is the 'taboo' or closed mindedness that goes along with the subject. Too often I find that individuals steer away from the subject when it comes up in conversation. Whether we like it or not, none of us is getting out of this life alive, so to provide answers, insight, and comfort to the living that this indeed is not the end of our journey is a rewarding experience, and one that I would not trade for anything.
5.Tell us about one of your favorite places you have investigated.
Not having formally investigated a ton of places, I would say I don't have a favorite, but I will say that the most active and eerie place that I have investigated with the most activity is The Great Saltair. It was one of my first large scale investigations, and I felt and even in a round about way communicated with several spirits in this one location. A night and experience I won't soon forget.
6.Tell us about one of your scariest experiences.
7.If you could pick anywhere in the world, where would you like to investigate?
I would love to investigate Disneyland after dark. But I think I would take any type of property that had a story or legend attached to it. I think that it is only by knowing our history, that we can determine our future.
8.Have you ever seen a full apparition? If so where?
Since being attunted to Reiki in 2012, and opening my intuition to all things, both living and passed, I have on occassion encountered many, many, ghosts and spirits. I always state that ghosts are the shadows that either do not know they are dead, are residual energy, or do not wish to move on and go into the light. A spirit to me is a guide that has crossed into the light and has returned transluscent in appearance with help and guidance from the next world. From pets to pioneer women, disembodied elementals to dark entities, I have crossed paths with quite a few.
9.How did you get started with M&L paranormal?
10.Is there anything else you would like us to know or think we should know about Ghost investigation?
Eliza Crosby- Blogger/Writer
1. You are so spunky, and fun tell us about yourself.
    I grew up in Salt Lake City, Utah. I was adopted when I was a baby, and therefore a little different from my amazing family. They accepted me, and loved me, and taught me well. I started writing in high school, Granite High, and found myself obsessed with paranormal, and ghost stories. My friends thought I was weird, but loved me anyway...I think. I now live in West Jordan with my four crazy kids (who I swear are the spawn of satan) but they are mine and seriously the best kids ever. My amazing husband Paul, who puts up with all my weirdness, and will stop at cemeteries just so I can look around, like I said, I'm weird. I have two dogs, four chickens and write books. I have three Published books. Two of which are paranormal. I love writing, it is my sanity, and my happy place. I am ridiculously addicted to Dr. Pepper, mexican food, and chocolate and gummi bears. 
2. How long have you been ghost hunting? How did you get into it?
   Actually hunting, not long. I always watch ghost adventures and paranormal shows, and I just love it. It's so thrilling to be able to feel and communicate with the other side.
3. What do you love most about it?
   From what I have experienced so far, all of it. I love how peaceful it can be to know that they are around you in a place that they loved and existed. I love the thrill when a light goes off, or they make a sound after you ask them to.
4. What do you like least about it?
    I don't like the feeling when a darker spirit is in the room. Demons, and evil spirits are not something to be messed with. It invites things that could do actual harm, so it's good that caution always be taken when investigating.
5. Tell us about one of your favorite places you have investigated.
   I was more of a helper than part of the actual investigation. I was invited my dear friends Jen Mcgrew, and Hraefn Wulfson to help be lookout during the investigation at their studio Mcgrew Studios. There are things that people could trip over or knock over so I was there to make sure people stayed safe. I got to see and experience some very cool things while it was being investigated. Each investigator had a unique way of communicating with the spirits. They truly are respectful of the spirits dwelling space. 
6. Tell us of one of your scariest experiences.
  It was right after I moved into my parents new house after I graduated (year to be unknown), I had refinished a room in the basement and it wasn't long after we had moved in that I was asleep in the middle of the night I heard this loud breathing and could feel a very dark shadow hovering over my face. The breathing got louder as the shadow got closer, I screamed and sat up, turned on the light and to this day that thing is still down there lurking in their basement. Thank goodness I don't live there anymore. 
7. If you could pick anywhere in the world to investigate where would it be?
   There are too many to count. There is an asylum in Italy where many died from the plague, a remote island. Paris, the catacombs, Mexico, Egypt, Cemeteries back east have some amazing history. I could go anywhere really.
8. Have you ever seen a full apparition? If so where?
    I am visited quite often in my sleep, I always know when it's a spirit because they don't talk. I don't think I have seen a full apparition, I don't know if I would know it was if I did. 
9. How did you get started with M&L Paranormal?  
   I met them the night they came to Mcgrew studios. Then after that I would see them at different events around town. Kris's investigation technique really had an effect on me. She just immersed herself in the environment and it always stuck with me, after she asked the spirit to turn on a flashlight, and it did it!! I thought, "I want to do that!" Then I bought some if Lydia's beautiful jewelry and we all became fast friends. I pitched the blog and here I am!
10. Is there anything else you would like us to know or think we should know about ghost investigating?
  I don't think I really know much about it to give advice. But from what I have observed, be respectful. It's almost a reverent feel sometimes, and you don't want to break that peaceful feeling. And don't try and just go someplace alone to investigate, always have someone with you. Safety should always come first, don't trespass on property, and don't try and bring something into this world that doesn't belong might follow you home. 

Image may contain: 2 people
Maxine Sanchez- Investigator in Training

  1. You are so spunky and fun, Tell us about yourself. easy going, pretty funny at times, smart ass, loyal.
  2. How long have you been ghost hunting?  1 yr . How did you get into it? Have been wanting to hunt for years.
  3. What do you love most about it? The mystery of life after death.
  4. What do you least like about it? possibly running into something evil
  5. Tell us about one of your favorite places you have investigated. Price city hall was pretty cool, there was a lot of shadow moment
  6. Tell us about one of your scariest experiences. The down stairs hall at my old house, something seemed to always be watching and it wasn't good
  7. If you could pick anywhere in the world, where would you like to investigate? Clown motel in Nevada
  8. Have you ever seen a full apparition? If so where? No. Well maybe  I know my brother came to me but I was asleep so it doesn't count.
  9. How did you get started with M&L paranormal? From Lydia's bumper sticker lol then I fb pm you guys and asked about it.
Is there anything else you would like us to know or think we should know about Ghost investigation?        Can't think of anything


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